Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Blast from the Past - My Old Multiply Blog

I just realized that this isn't my first attempt at blogging. Once upon a time, all the teenage angst had to go somewhere in cyberspace that's unreachable by parents, meddling aunts & uncles, weird cousins and highs school teachers. Friendster (jeez) was getting old: there wasn't really much to do and it was really difficult to use, plus the adults, whom I referred to as "the old people" were joining the fad. Nothing is kept sacred anymore.

So. Where to?

Multiply was the "it" thing back in my day. And yes, I just said that. Highly customizable and uploading was pretty much limitless, owning a Multiply site was a necessity for any overbearing, narcissistic, self-imposed-emo, overachieving, delusional or socially-awkward adolescent. Take a look below and pick an adjective. Voila! C'est moi.


If you're bored and your past-time is judging people, I suggest that you go on to my old blog and read up! Or yours. Back then, I thought I was the coolest kid and I honestly didn't know how much of a derp I was. Looking through it made me realize that it was pretty much like a bad case of "What the hell was I thinking?!", and please don't get me started on my choice for what I used to think was a cool looking haircut. Ha ha. If it helps, puberty did do me some favors.

To my defense of course, Multiply was my safe haven. A place I pretty much called my own where I could share my thoughts (even if they were kinda dumb) and not be judged. Or I thought I wasn't, only because everybody else were doing senseless ranting. I posted photos of almost everything, and--because of my extensive and elaborate knowledge on cinema and music (I do hope you got the irony)--made reviews of sorts. 

My love affair with the whole thing died down because of two things, which I think is a sentiment shared by almost everyone: (1) the new interface, which was batsh*t crazy and difficult to use, and (2) this:
As you all can remember, Multiply wasn't "admirer-friendly" (I refuse to use the word "stalker"), which is where Facebook, the new kid on the block, comes in. Couple of months in, I decided to drop the whole thing and made the move to the social network and the rest is online history!

There it is! You should look up yours too! Post you address on the comment box and let's judge each other! Ha ha. 'Til the next post!

That kid on the radio.

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